Day 9: Simplify Your Life

When Marie Kondo’s book first became known to me about 7 years ago, I’ll admit, I bristled at the idea that I would need to throw out all of my things and live as a minimalist. I like my clutter. I like my mementos and I like having things that I need at my fingertips. It wasn’t until some friends of mine started really going through the process of simplifying their possessions that I saw what it all meant.

I’ve still not done the KonMari method, but I get it now. When we have too much stuff, it keeps us from enjoying what really makes us happy. I feel the same way about habits, commitments, and the general busyness that can fill up our lives. It is hard to connect with other people when we’re so focused on what’s next to do.

In some ways, I think many of us have had to slow down of late and reevaluate, so it’s a great time, as we start to rebuild, to think about simplifying. When it comes to community, that means worrying less about the state of the house and just having people over anyway. Or making choices that make connection easier – meeting outside at a park, or rotating houses, or deciding to deepen connections in a place where you already are rather than starting a whole new thing.

Sometimes it does mean cutting something out. We’ve had to limit the number of activities our kids participate in because it cuts into family time. And our kids have chosen to give up activities that cut into our weekly dinner with our friends. For them, it’s simplifying their lives so they can do what makes them happiest – being with the people they love.

What can you simplify today?