Day Thirty: Connect to What's Next

Thirty posts in thirty days! Whew. Even with shorter posts, I’m pretty proud of this. I’ve been thinking about what should come next, especially as it seems like what was once two weeks became four and then six and well, who knows? Isn’t the uncertainty the worst? Ok, maybe not the worst but it’s definitely doing a number on me.

What I do know is that at the end of this we’re going to need all our community building skills. I watched an interview with a pandemic expert a few weeks ago and she said one of the unfortunate parts of this crisis has been that a lot of our old social groups – the Elks, the Rotarians, even the volunteer Red Cross – have been on the decline. Those groups have typically been the ones to pick up the pieces in a crisis, helping get resources to those in need. I’m part of our PTA and even just being a member there has helped me to pitch in to help out. That’s my vision of what’s next – figuring out how to get involved these local support structures so that we have better local information and avenues to help.

What about you? What’s next for you after this? We’ve got the luxury of time, which feels very odd in a crisis. I want to encourage you to think about what you want to change for the future, in your own life or out in the world.

Tomorrow is Easter, the celebration of life beyond death, the rebirth and renewal of all that felt lost. I’m going to take it off from blogging and probably spend the day hiding eggs for my kids and trying to make up for the fact that there won’t be 15 kids searching with them. A lot feels lost right now and I am taking it as an article of faith that there will be renewal after all this.

On Monday, I’ll pick up where I left off a month ago. Longer posts, three times a week. The schedule (you know, the made up one in my head) has me writing about forbearance and, soon, compassion. In a time when we’re being asked to give up so much to help others, I really can’t see anything better to talk about.

Take care, friends.