Day Eighteen: Connect to Helping Others
It’s hard, in this time, to know what to do. We hear of doctors and nurses performing extraordinary feats of endurance, courage and innovation. And here I am, looking forward to my evening episode of Call the Midwife. One of the fundamental tenets of my life is that each of us, in our way, in this moment, has something to offer the world. Some days we won’t because we’ll need to recharge. Some days we won’t because we’ll be receiving help from other people.
But we do have something to offer even now. So consider taking some time today to what you have to offer. Is it a phone call with a kind word? A willingness to skype with a family with young children to give parents a break? A walk where you wave wholeheartedly at people you pass?
Or is it something bigger? A grocery run for someone stuck at home? The beginning of a project that will become a much loved gift? Help with yardwork for someone infirm who can’t get landscaping services right now?
Helping each other keeps us connected. Keeping connected gives us hope. And hope is what will carry us through hard times. What can you do today to help each other?