Day 4: Build a New Habit

Recently, I’ve been trying to get back onto a regular exercise routine. With one worldwide catastrophe and another, my schedule has been out of whack. And unfortunately, I don’t generally have the desire or motivation to just decide to go out for a run. So, I’m either depending on outside motivation from my kids wanting to get out there, or just not taking care of my body.

I feel like the same thing is happening with my connections to other people as well. All of the external supports to my community have fallen away. The usual connection points – school drop off, coffee shops, regular meetings – no longer exist and it’s hard to maintain the motivation to pursue those small but meaningful moments.

So, even though I’ve been trying to build connection-oriented habits for a long time, I’m finding myself leaning back on that value again. I’m trying to find a predictable time, place and way to connect with the people in my community. It’s a good thing that connections don’t have to look a certain way. The Zoom call can serve the same purpose as a coffee date. But I still have to make them a habit.

So today, consider looking at your schedule and adding one consistent connection habit. Is that a weekly video chat? A daily call to someone while you’re cooking dinner? A walk after dinner where you wave and greet people you see?

And then help yourself achieve it. Set a reminder on your phone. Send out the Zoom invitation right now and make it recurring. Text a friend to set up a time to talk. Use this moment of motivation to start building new habits.