Day Twenty-Three: Connect to Meditation

Story time: During my first pregnancy, many, many people told me to try meditation. I can only assume that was because I seemed so intense, so stressed that they basically were letting me know that I needed to chill out already. At the time, I rejected everything about that suggestion. In fact, one of my mantras during labor was “Fuck meditation.” I repeated it over and over to myself as I used sheer will to get through the pain.

I’d like to think I’m a different person now. That’s not really true. My first reaction to a problem is always to work it. To hack at it, try to solve it, and if all else fails, burst through any brick wall in front of me. But, in the last decade, I have gained enough wisdom to know that there are some things that intensity and will aren’t going to make better. So I’ve learned to meditate.

I’ve learned to breathe, to tense muscles and release, and occasionally just lay on my floor and let my many, many anxious thoughts drift along. These days I have a lot of cortisol and adrenaline coursing through my body and not a lot of ways to get away from the stress. (As I write this, Willow is literally running around the house neighing like a horse and has been for an hour. It’s adorable and mind-blowingly annoying.)

Consider taking some time to take in some quiet, listening to your breaths and helping your body calm all the way down. If you need help, check out some guided meditations on YouTube. It’s just one small thing you can do today to help stay sane.