Day Twenty-Seven: Connect To Trusting Yourself
Every day of my adult life, I have felt incapable of something asked of me. Whether that be as an employee, parent, friend, or simply a person, every day has brought a moment where I think, “Well, shit. How am I going to figure this one out?” Now, it doesn’t help that I’m constantly jumping into things I have no idea about, and then there were the surprise twins, and of course the second career I’m making up as I go along. Either way though, I’ve come to the conclusion that being a grown-up just means accepting that feeling as a fact of life.
But when I look back, even when I was feeling like a duck out of water, I was able to do some pretty cool things. I’ve been around long enough to see that just because I feel like I don’t know how to do something doesn’t mean I can’t do it. I’m slowly learning how to trust myself.
So today, let’s admit it. We don’t know how to live in a world where this disease is going to be around for another year at least. We don’t know how to survive whatever economic upheaval is coming. We don’t know how to keep staying in our houses with no idea when we’ll be allowed to come back out.
But just because we don’t know how to do it doesn’t mean we can’t figure it out. Us humans, we’re really good at figuring stuff out. And until it’s figured out, we’ll make do, even if we feel completely incompetent and unprepared.
So let’s trust ourselves. We’ll get through it.