Day One: Connect to the Future

Today I want to encourage you to think about a medium term project in your living space that you could be making some progress on. Around here, that’s redoing the girls’ room to turn it from Purple Paradise for toddlers into a Teal Tween Hangout. The girls have long been clamoring for more space but living in a very expensive housing market means there is never going to be a house for them where everyone has their own room. We sat down last month and talked about what they really need. And that thing is small areas that are just theirs. So, we’re turning the bunk beds into loft beds, repainting the room into a more grown-up color, and getting better storage furniture that meets the needs of now instead of 5 years ago when we did it up the first time.

I am utterly overwhelmed by doing this with 3 kids at home plus a husband trying to work in our guest room/office/playroom across the hall. But it’s helping us to focus on the future. There will be a day when life is normal again. And since it’s not right now, why not take advantage of the chaos and make a positive change?

Do you have some plants you want to start? A closet you want to reorganize? A craft project that’s been sitting on a shelf? A piece of art that’s waiting to be started?

Set a goal. Break it down into day by day. Get started. Your future self is out there thanking you for using this time to make their life better.

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